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1. 熱干面:Hot Dry Noodles

2. 湯包:Steamed DumplingsFilled with Minced Meat and Gravy (Shangbao)

3. 面窩:Deep Fried Rice Doughnuts

3. 三鮮豆皮:Cooking Yuba

4. 米酒:Fermented Rice Beverage withSmall Glutinous Rice Balls

5. 米粉:Rice Vermicelli

6. 鴨脖:Duck Neck

1.涼拌黃瓜 :Cucumber in Sauce

2.皮蛋豆腐 :Tofu with PreservedEggs

3.東坡方肉 :Braised Dongpo Pork

4.梅菜扣肉 :Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetable

5.紅燒獅子頭 :StewedPork Ball in Brown Sauce

6.香干回鍋肉:Sautéed Sliced Pork and Dried Tofu with Pepper and Chili

7.毛氏紅燒肉 :BraisedPork,Mao's Family Style

8.糖醋排骨 :Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs

9.椒鹽肉排 :Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt

10.脆皮乳豬 :Crispy BBQ SucklingPig

11.魚香肉絲 :Yu-Shiang ShreddedPork (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)

12.木須肉 :Sautéed SlicedPork, Eggs and Black Fungus

13.糖醋里脊 :Fried Sweet and Sour Tenderloin (Lean Meat)

14.火爆腰花 :Sautéed Pig'sKidney

15.螞蟻上樹 :Sautéed Vermicelliwith Spicy Minced Pork

16.番茄燉牛腩 :Braised Beef Brisket with Tomato

17.黑椒牛柳 :Sautéed Beef Filetwith Black Pepper

18.牛肉燉土豆 :Braised Beef with Potatoes

19.鐵板牛肉 :Sizzling Beef Steak

20.板栗燜仔雞 :Braised Chicken with Chestnuts

21.干鍋雞 :Griddle Cooked Chicken with Pepper

22.宮保雞丁 :Kung Pao Chicken

23.夫妻肺片 :Pork Lungs in ChiliSauce

24.飄香手撕雞 :Poached Sliced Chicken

25.巴蜀小炒雞 :Sautéed Chicken with Hot and Green Pepper

26.板栗燜仔雞 :Braised Chicken with Chestnuts

27.口水雞 :Steamed Chickenwith Chili Sauce

28.叫化雞 :Beggars Chicken (BakedChicken)

29.北京烤鴨 :Beijing Roast Duck

30.韭菜炒雞蛋 :Scrambled Egg with Leek

31.西紅柿炒蛋 :Scrambled Egg with Tomato

32.松鼠桂魚 :Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish

33.香辣蟹 :Sautéed Crab in Hot Spicy Sauce

34.香辣蝦 :Fried Shrimps in Hot Spicy Sauce

35.清炒蝦仁 :Sautéed Shelled Shrimp

36.涮羊肉 :Mongolian Hot Pot

37.饞嘴蛙 :Sautéed Bullfrog in Chili Sauce

38.干鍋茶樹菇 :Griddle Cooked Tea Tree Mushrooms

39.水煮魚片 :Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil

40.清蒸武昌魚 :Steamed Wuchang Fish

41.紅燒帶魚 :Braised Ribbonfish in Brown Sauce

42.草魚(干燒,清蒸,水煮,酸菜) :Grass Carp(Dry-Braised with Chili Sauce/ Steamed/Poached/ Boiled with Pickled Cabbage and Chili)

43.麻婆豆腐 :Mapo Tofu (Stir-FriedTofu in Hot Sauce)

44.干煸四季豆 :Dry-Fried French Beans with Minced Pork and Preserved Vegetables

45.松仁玉米 :Sautéed Sweet Corn with Pine Nuts

46.番茄蛋花湯 :Tomato and Egg Soup

47.蕓豆肚片湯 :Pork Tripe Slices and French Beans Soup

48.皮蛋瘦肉粥 :Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg

49.香酥韭菜盒 :Crispy Shrimp Dumplings with Leek

50.清炒紅菜苔 :Sautéed Chinese Kale


泡椒鳳爪 :Chicken Feet withPickled Peppers

咸鴨蛋 :Salted Duck Egg

鹵蛋 :Marinated Egg

臘八粥 :Porridgewith Nuts and Dried Fruits (Eaten on the Eighth Day of the Twelfth LunarMonth)

小米粥 :MilletCongee

綠豆粥 :Congeewith Mung Beans

蛋撻 :Egg Tart

荷包蛋 :Poached Egg

鮮蝦小餛飩 :ShrimpWonton

湯圓 :Tangyuan(Glutinous Rice Balls)

油條 :Youtiao(Deep-Fried Dough Sticks)

豆?jié){ :Soybean Milk

豆腐腦兒 :Jellied Tofu

冰糖葫蘆 :Bingtanghulu /CrispySugar-Coated Fruit (haws, yam, etc.) on a Stick

雞蛋炒飯 :Fried Rice with Egg

炒面 :Sautéed Noodleswith Vegetables

拉面 :Hand-Pulled Noodles

炸醬面 :Noodles with SoyBean Paste and Minced Pork

擔(dān)擔(dān)面 :Noodles, SichuanStyle

涼面 :Cold Noodles withSesame Sauce

陽春面 :Plain Noodles

餛飩湯面 :Wonton Soup Noodles




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