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必修課程 a required course

掤、捋、擠、按、採、挒、肘、靠、進、退、顧、盼、定 Peng (warding off), Lv (rolling back), Ji(pressing), An (pushing), Cai (pulling down), Lie (splitting), Zhou (elbowing),Kao (body stroke), Jin (advancing), Tui (retreating), Gu (shifting left), Pan(shifting right) and Ding (central equilibrium)

不丟不頂 no releasing and resisting directly

不解之謎 mystery

不偏不倚 impartiality

纏絲 twining

沉肩墜肘 lowering the shoulders and elbows

沉著 heavy and steady

撐掌 unfolding palm

抽絲 taking out the thread

丹田 Dantian (pubic region)

彈簧力 springy force

導引術 guidance

道 Tao;Dao

道法自然 Taoism following the nature

敵進我退,敵駐我擾,敵疲我打,敵退我追 retreating as the enemy advances, disturbing as theenemy camps, attacking as the enemy fatigues, advancing as the enemy retreats

第五代傳人 fifth-generation successor

頂頭懸 suspending the head and relaxing the neck

懂勁 comprehending force

動與靜 motion and stillness

動中寓靜 stillness with motion

動作/招式/招術 movement/action

對立統(tǒng)一 the unity of opposites

對立與統(tǒng)一 contradition and unfication;unity of theopposites

耳提面命 whispering into disciples’ ears and talking face to face

發(fā)勁 discharging force

法道修身 self-cultivation with Tao

法道治國 state-governing by Tao

反者道之動,弱者道之用 The application of Dao is using mildnessrather than violence, softness rather than hardness

非圓即弧 either circle or arc

剛柔相濟 combining hardness with softness

根于腳,主宰于腰,行于手指 rooting with feet, leading with waist, andmoving with fingers

弓步 n.bow stance; v.lunge forward

功夫 Gongfu; Kungfu;fighting art;fightingskills

攻防 attack and defense; offense and defense

攻防搏擊 offensive and defensive fighting

貫串之意 Yi of permeating

國術館 National Martial Arts Gyms

含胸拔背 contracting the chest and lengthening theback

合中有開 closing with opening

后發(fā)制人 striking only after being struck

呼、發(fā)、伸、進、起、仰、往、出、放、打、擊、剛、動、實、開、升、上、左 breathing out, attacking, extending,advancing, raising, facing upward, going, sending, releasing, hitting,striking,hardness, moving, solidness, opening, lifting, ascending,turning left

呼與吸 breathing out and breathing in

化勁 dispersing force

技擊術 art of attack and defense

節(jié)節(jié)貫串 joints’ coordinating

借力打力 transforming the coming force to attackthe opponent

勁整 integrating force

經絡 Jingluo (main and collateral channels)

經絡中通行的氣 Qi (air) in Jingluo

精神 mind

靜中寓動 motion with /in stillness

卷(蓄)與放 storing and discharging

開胯屈膝 separating the thighs and bending theknees

開與合 opening and closing

開中有合 opening with closing

快與慢 rapidness and slowness

老子學說 Laozi’s Doctrines

礪練品格 morality training

練勁 building up power

練巧 mastering techniques

練順 smoothing out the frame

螺旋 volution

螺旋纏繞 spiral enwinding

落點(勁點) attacking points (positions)

門規(guī)戒條 doctrines, regulations and restrictions

內不動,外不發(fā) no internal Yi (mind), no externalmovements

內勁 Neijin (inner power)

內勁潛換 inner power exchanging

內氣 Neiqi (inner air)

內外皆修 internal and external cultivation

內外統(tǒng)一 uniting mind with body

偏心距 eccentric distance

平和安靜,謙和大度,博愛真誠,感恩包容 gentleness and peace, modesty andgenerosity, love and sincerity, gratitude and tolerance

平心靜氣 calming mind

氣沉丹田 Qi Chen Dantian (storing qi in the pubicregion)

氣斂 Storing Qi (spirit;air)

牽一發(fā)而動全身 a slight move in one part may affect thewhole situation

乾坤 Qiankun (heaven and earth, the universe)

強身健體 body building and physical fitness

竅 aperture

輕靈 agile

輕與沉 lightness and heaviness

全國武術錦標賽 Championship of National Martial Arts

拳法 boxing method

拳理 boxing theory

拳式 movement

拳姿 boxing posture

人不犯我、我不犯人、人若犯我、我必犯人 We will not attack unless we are attacked;if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack.

柔與剛 softness and hardness

儒雅端莊 refined and dignified

散手 San Shou (free sparring)

上下相隨 the harmony between the upper and lowerbody

舍己從人 giving up one’s own to accept the widely-accepted one

身心雙修 physical and spiritual cultivation

神 Shen (concentration of the mind)

神聚 concentrating the attention

神明 sprirtual illumination

十大文化脈系 ten major regional cultures

十三勢 Thirteen (13) Postures

收斂入骨 storing in the body

疏通經絡 activating channels

四兩撥千斤 defeating the strong with little effort

松靜自然 being natural, relaxed and quiet

松柔緩慢 soft and slow

松腰圓襠 relaxing the waist and separating thethighs

宋明理學 Neo-Confucianism

太極拳 Taijiquan;Tai Ji Quan;Tai Chi;Taijiboxing;Shadow boxing

太極拳圣地 Hometown of Taijiquan

太極拳小架子 the small frame of Taijiquan

太極圖 Taiji Diagram

陶冶情操 molding character

套路 routine

體育運動學 sports and kinematics

天地與我并生,萬物與我為一。 The nature lives with me in symbiosis, andeverything is with me as a whole.

天人合一 Tian Ren He Yi (harmony between Man andNature )

聽勁 judging the opponent’s force

推手 Tui Shou (pushing hands)

唯物辯證 Dialectical Materialism

尾閭 Wei Lv( acupoint; tailbone)

未老先防 anti-aging prevention before growing old

溫文爾雅 gentle and elegant

文化內涵 cultural connotations

文靜自然 quiet and natural

文拳 Wenquan (Boxing of Thoughts)

文武兼修 adept with pen and sword

文追鴻儒,癡迷拳術 versed in polite letters and obsessed withmartial arts

無過不及,不偏不倚 no excess, no deficiency

無為而為;無為而治 actionless governance doing nothing thatgoes against nature

五陰并五陽 half Yin and half Yang

五趾抓地 feet grasping the ground

武術 martial arts; wushu

物極必反 Extremes Meet

吸、蓄、屈、退、落、俯、來、入、收、化、引、柔、靜、虛、合、降、下、右 breathing in, storing, bending,retreating, dropping, leaning, coming, entering, holding, dispersing, guiding,softness, quietness, emptiness, closing, falling,descending, turning right

先天氣 Xiantianqi (congenital air)

行云流水 flowing clouds and running water

形神共養(yǎng) cultivating both the mind and the body

形神皆備 spirit and appearance likeness

修身養(yǎng)性 self-cultivation

虛領頂勁 erecting the head and relaxing the neck;erecting the head and neck naturally

虛其心,實其腹 emptying one’s mind and filling one’s stomach

虛實 Xu Shi;voidness and solidness;emptiness and solidness

旋踝轉腿 rotating the ankles and legs

旋腕轉膀 rotating the wrists and shoulders

旋腰轉脊 rotating the waist and back

穴 acupoints

延年益壽 keeping longer longevity;longevityprolonging

養(yǎng)生術 science of health preserving

一靜一動 stillness and motion

一開一合 opening and closing

一招不慎全盤皆輸 one careless move loses the whole game

以靜制動 coping with all motions by remainingmotionless

以柔克剛 overcoming hardness with softness

以弱勝強 conquering strength with weakness

以退為進 retreating in order to advance

以武載道 incorporating cultural elements intomartial arts

以小力勝大力 defeating the strong with little effort;conquering strength with weakness

以意導動 conducting movements with Yi

意 Yi (mind)

陰陽 Yin and Yang; Yin-Yang;Yin/Yang

陰陽互根 Yin and Yang rooting in each other

陰陽相濟 Yin and Yang assisting each other;Yin andYang existing; Yin and Yang existingtogether

陰陽學說 Yin-Yang Theory

用法之意 Yi of directions

用意 using Yi

元氣 Yuanqi (vitality)

原始道家 the original Taoism

原始儒家 the original Confucianism

圓活飽滿 softness and fullness

圓與方 circle and square

沾連粘隨 Zhan Lian Nian Sui (touching, sticking,adhering and following)

哲拳 Zhequan (Boxing of Philosophy)

正氣 Zhengqi (pure air)

致虛極,守靜篤 finding rest and peace, and feeling ease

中國傳統(tǒng)醫(yī)學 TCM;traditional Chinese medicine

中國佛學 Chinese Buddhism

中國古典哲學 Chinese classical philosophy

中氣 Zhongqi (air in internal organs)

中正和諧 Harmony and Perfection

中正之說 Notion of Zhong and Zheng (Harmony andPerfection)

著熟 be skilled

姿勢 posture



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太極門掌門人馬保國30秒內慘遭KO(附太極拳英文術語) 2020-5-18




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